Now, after Periocampus, I am confident about making the right (clinical) decision
Sometimes when we are in practice, we ask ourselves “are we making the right decision for our patient?”. Periocampus has given me the confidence to give an answer to this question. I am now able to approach each periodontal case knowing that I am making the right decision. I have been a dental hygienist for 15 years and during the course I was reminded again that there is still so much to learn, that one never knows enough!
Dr. Victoria Wilson
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Periocampus was just… wonderful!
Prof. Graziani, Prof. Tomasi e Prof. Suvan were absolutely amazing.
They managed to share all of themselves, all their knowledge with us in a way that now permits me to firmly state “I understand now how I can correctly manage a periodontal patient in my clinic”. As an additional value, I must say that the venue and the community were wonderful.
Dr. Artem Amaev
I loved to be here
I received a lot of important information that I will apply in my daily work immediately.
I feel confident to say that I will treat my patients with a high level of knowledge of periodontology.
Dr. Julia Krasovskaia
I am absolutely sure that Periocampus is perfect for all clinicians, beginners and ones that are more experienced
I would dare to say that Periocampus is a must-do course for a dentist. Is an excellent course for both beginners, who have just started their practice, because it gives them the main essence of periodontology. But also for experienced clinicians, as they will learn so many new things that they will implement afterwards in their routine clinical practice.
Dr. Myroslav Solonko

“It was a highly satisfying experience and the fact of staying in touch with the professors and other members of the group even after Periocampus is really priceless.”



“Periocampus courses are a dedication to my profession and to the love I have for periodontology.”